...progresam si uitam sa fim fericiti...asa k din cand in cand trebuie sa mai reducem putin viteza sa ne mai uitam in jur si sa incercam sa ne bucuram de viata... de un rasarit de soare, de zambetul unui copil...zambeste si astfel vei fi un pic mai fericit decat erai inainte...

...fericirea e ca lacrima ingerilor...trebuie sa ai grija sa nu o risipesti...si sa o aduni picatura cu picatura pentru a forma un intreg...

miercuri, aprilie 01, 2009

i feel blue...

Blue touches blue
Touches grey touches brown
I look down at my feet, they’ve been with me for years
I take one step for you and then two for myself
Oh, I need to be stronger
I need to be stronger

Blue touches blue
Touches black, then expands
All the tears and the years in the palm of my hand
Do you think you can tell me what’s wrong and what’s wronger?
I need to be stronger
I need to be stronger

I want to twist in your arms
Like a snake that’s been charmed
Like a baby newborn with his arms groping out
I would shout but there’s always a song and
I need to be stronger
I need to be stronger

Blue touches blue

I look down at my feet

I take one step for you

I need to be stronger

Blue touches blue
Touches gray, frothy white
Where my face is all blurred and reflecting the night
If I tell you I feel like a bird in the cold
And I need you to hold me?
I need you to hold me

Blue touches blue...

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